Beautiful, Sensual And Elegant Boudoir Photography For Women
What Is Boudoir? And Why?
Boudoir photography is a photographic style featuring intimate, sensual, romantic, and sometimes marginally erotic or sexy images of its subjects in a photographic studio, bedroom or private dressing room environment. It is primarily intended for the private enjoyment of the subject and their romantic partners and is distinct from glamour and art nude photography in that it is usually more suggestive rather than explicit in its approach to nudity and features subjects who do not regularly model. It also produces images that are not intended to be seen by a wide audience, but rather remain under the control of the subject to use and enjoy as they wish. Boudoir portrait photography can be both artistic and sensual with a hint of sexy, making you look and feel beautiful, feminine and empowered.
It is common for women to have boudoir photographs of themselves made as a gift for a partner conventionally on the occasion of their engagement, marriage or before an enforced separation due to work or family etc. It has also became popular for brides to be to commission a photo shoot as a wedding gift for the groom, a most welcome honeymoon surprise. Boudoir photography is also sometimes given as a gift with the intention of re-affirming and encouraging the romance and sensuality between partners in a long-term relationship. Increasingly these days boudoir photography is seen as something that a woman might do purely for her own personal enjoyment and satisfaction, for the pleasure and affirmation of seeing themselves as attractive, daring, sexy, sensual, and desirable.
Who Is Boudoir Photography Suited To??
The short answer is YOU!!. Boudoir is all about self-love, acceptance and body positivity. It is about gaining that confidence to love who you are the way you are. The main objective for me as a boudoir photographer is to help women see what I and many others see which is your very own beautiful self and to love who you are regardless of age, body shape, weight, size, religion or race. Also what you might have been through in life, the experiences (good and bad), the scars, the stretch marks, the imperfections, they are all part of your unique and personal journey . All of this contributes to who you are and are all part of your beautiful self. It is time to embrace you for you and sometimes you just need someone to show you who that person is and that is where I come in. Whether you are looking for a confidence boost, a bit of self-esteem, self empowerment, or to celebrate a personal milestone, the time is NOW!!!!